CAS manual


Command Explanation
expand(t) Expands the expression t. For example expansion of a product.
simp(t) Simplifies the expression t. Under normal circumstances, this command is applied automatically.
subs(v=a,t) In the expression t, substitute the variable v by the value a.
subs(t,v=a) Substitution, alternative notation.
hold(t) Holds the evaluation of commands.
eval(t) Forces evaluation of commands under hold.
plain(t) Prints the expression t as plain text, and thus allows the output to be used as new input.


Funktion Erklärung
sum(k=a,b,f(k)) The sum from k=a to b over f(k).
diff(t,v) The derivative of t with respect to the variable v.
diff(t,v,n) The nth derivative of t with respect to v.
taylor(f(x),x,a,n) The nth partial sum of the Taylor series of f at a.


Constant Explanation
0 Logically false.
1 Logically true.

Function Explanation
not A Logical negation.
A and B Logical conjunction.
A or B Logical disjunction.
A=>B Logical implication.
A<=>B Logical equivalence.
taut(t) Returns true, if the propositional formula t is tautological.
sat(t) Returns true, if the propositional formula t is satisfiable.